Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

Effective Date: May 24, 2018

This Cookie Policy describes the different types of cookies we use on our website (hereinafter, the “Site”) and how you can configure these cookies.

We maintain a strict privacy policy and are committed to transparency regarding the technologies used on our Site.

To the extent that the information collected using cookies constitutes personal data, the provisions of the Privacy Policy will apply and complement this Cookie Policy.

What is a cookie?

A “cookie” is a small text file containing information saved by a website on a computer or by a mobile application on a user’s smartphone.

Cookies allow you to be identified and remember various information to facilitate your navigation on a website or mobile application, ensure their proper functioning, or make them more efficient, such as by remembering your language preferences.

What cookies are used on our site and why?

We use different types of cookies for different reasons.


These cookies are essential for navigating our Site or strictly necessary for providing a service specifically requested by a user. Deleting this type of cookie can lead to navigation difficulties and is therefore strongly discouraged.


These cookies collect information about your choices and preferences, making your navigation more enjoyable and personalized. These cookies allow us to remember the language chosen during your first visit to our Site in order to customize it accordingly.


These cookies are used to collect information about your use of the Site to improve its content, make it more suitable for your needs, and increase its usability. For example, these cookies show us the most visited pages of the Site or help identify navigation difficulties.


These cookies allow you to share Site content with others via social networks. Some sharing buttons are integrated via third-party applications that may issue this type of cookie. This is particularly the case with buttons [“Facebook”, “Twitter”, “Google +”, and “Pinterest”]. Social networks providing such a sharing button may identify you with this button, even if you did not use it during your visit to our Site. We invite you to consult the privacy policy of these social networks on their respective sites to learn about the use of information collected via these sharing buttons.


These cookies are used for marketing purposes, including displaying targeted advertisements, conducting market research, and evaluating the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.

How to configure cookies?

You can easily delete, disable, or accept cookies from our Site at any time by configuring your browser settings.

Each browser (Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.) has its own method of configuring cookies. To find out how to configure cookies for your browser, visit the site:

If you wish to refuse these commercial cookies (including Google, Criteo, or Facebook), you can do so using the following website:

If you use different computers, smartphones, and/or tablets, remember to configure each device so that each one matches your cookie preferences.

Will our site still work without cookies?

You will still be able to access our Site, but some interactions may not work as expected.

Any other questions?

If you have any other questions, contact us:

by email at the following address:

by mail to the following postal address:

Cours Saint-Michel, 30A
1040 Brussels

Belgian company number (BCE): BE0628.815.564